NMT Pathway Pyramid

NMT Pathways can be categorized into 6 levels. Use these levels to help determine the appropriate pathway to use/start at. 

Below are the NMT pathways listed within the correct category and below that is an alphabetical listing of all NMT Pathways.

Click on the  links below to go directly to a section.

Conscious/Meaning; Significance- Group 1 Energetic- Group 2 Chemical- Group 3 Nuerological- Group 4 Physical- Group 5 Immunological - Group 6 Alphabetical Listing NMT Essential Documents

Consciousness/Meaning/Significance - Group 1

Consciousness/Meaning/Significance - Group 1 includes pathways that direct the mind-body to become aware of the ways in which the mind-body perceives itself and its relationship to the world around it. They create awareness of the way in which these perceptions may contribute to illness and compromise healing.

ASTP      Adverse Seed Thought Pathway  Level-A

ASTP is used to create awareness of core beliefs about the self and its relationship to the world that are self-limiting and compromise healing.

ASP        Affective States Pathway Level-A

Emotional states are of two general types, either energy depleting stress emotions or energy replenishing emotions of healing and regeneration. ASP is one of several NMT pathways, each in its unique way used to identify stressful emotions into which the mind-body may be locked and healing emotions the mind-body is not able to experience.

LP           Limitless Pathway Level-C     

LP causes the mind-body to survey itself and recognize self-imposed limitations and beliefs that prevent the full realization of it creative and healing potential. Consequently LP may be applied for any client and for many different purposes.      

MBWIP Mind-body Wholeness and Integration Pathway Level-B

MBWIP create mind-body awareness of three critical issues that may be blocking healing and directs correction of these problems. 1) Failure of all cells, organs, and systems to work in an integrated and efficient way for optimal healing. 2) Compromise of optimal mind-body perception of what it is experiencing and its response to those conditions. 3) "Miasmic" influences. The passing from one generation to another of self-limiting and illness-inducing information that misdirects the mind-body.

METP    Mind-Ego Transformation Pathway Level-C

METP is used to identify and correct self-limiting and destructive mind-body beliefs about the nature of the self and its perception and understanding of, and relationship to the whole of the universe. METP has broad applications.

OHIP      Optimal Health ImageL-Levels A

OHIP is a tool to produce mind-body perceptions in regard to the self and others that favor the NMT session goals and eliminate those that block movement toward the healing and transformation that we are trying to achieve.  OHIP also identifies any "contracts and agreements" that the mind-body has made that lock it into its current state and prevent change and enables the mind-body to release this obstruction to healing.

PAETP   Pathophysiologically Anchored Emotional Tone Pathway Level-A

Emotional states are of two general types, either energy depleting stress emotions or energy replenishing emotions of healing and regeneration. PAETP is one of several NMT pathways, each in its unique way used to identify stressful emotions into which the mind-body may be locked and healing emotions the mind-body is not able to experience.


PEOP     Presence and Entanglement Optimization Pathway Level-B

Presence and Entanglement Optimization Pathway (PEOP) L-B Level    PEOP is used to identify and correct two things that may limit healing and transformation. 1) Adverse mind-body preoccupation with persons, experiences, and relationships. 2) Mind-body fixation on past experience or anticipation of the future that compromises efficient application of energy and resources to address challenges of the present moment.

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Energetic - Group 2

Energetic - Group 2 includes pathways that are used to evaluate mind-body energetics, each utilizing its own perspective to interpret and optimize the energetic component of healing.

AACMP Ayurvedic, Acupuncture, and Chinese Medicine Pathway Level -C        

AACMP is used to cause the mind-body to survey itself with regard to how it receives and distributes life producing energy. This pathway is used to evaluate and correct energetic conditions in regard to the five elements of Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, the organ meridians, major and minor chakras, nadi channels, and body's humors or doshas.

EDP       Energetics Dynamic Pathway Level- C

EDP is used to evaluate the energetic conditions that favor and those that oppose the manifestation of particular mind-body or other system conditions of interest.  EP then optimizes mind-body energetics regarding the issues for which EP is being applied.

IMFP     Informational Morphic Field Pathway (IMFP) Level- C   

IMFP is based upon the principles of formative causation as described by Rupert Sheldrake (see www.sheldrake.org for excellent material on morphic fields). This pathway investigates the influence of morphogenic fields, a special type of energetic field that serves as a blueprint for the form and function of the mind-body or other systems of interest. IMFP examines morphic field influences on the mind-body or other subject system and uses carefully structured intention to optimize morphic field relationships and influences to promote healing and beneficial change.

PSEP     Psychosomatic Energetics Pathway Level- C

PSEP is used to evaluate the energetics of the chakra system of the body, to identify and release emotional and psychological "conflicts" or beliefs about the self and its relationship to others in order to create awareness of and eliminate conditions of mind-body energetics that limit healing.

TSKNP   Time-Space-Knowledge Navigation Pathway Level- C

TSKNP is based upon the writings of the Buddhist philosopher Tarthang Tulku and is used to identify and correct self-limiting and destructive perceptions and beliefs regarding the nature of the self and its relationship to the greater universe. TSKNP is an extraordinarily powerful tool with broad application and may be used for any client.

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Chemical - Group 3

Chemical - Group 3 pathways are used to evaluate and optimize biochemical conditions within the mind-body.

CSHP     Chemistry and Signaling of Healing Pathway Level-B  

CSHP causes the mind-body to survey itself with regard to production and distribution of hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, antibodies, and any other body chemistries of interest.  CSHP then directs the body to correct deficiencies, excesses, and imbalances that have been identified in any of the body's various chemistries. 

GCOP    Genetic Chemistry Optimization Pathway Level-B  

GCOP evaluates any proposed TFS/TTS transformation from the perspective of the structure and function of cell genetic chemistry and the cellular and system signaling dialog that governs its operation.  GCOP is relevant and useful in virtually any clinical situation.  NOTE: The five 2-Pt Healing Pathways are intended to be used in conjunction with GCOP which couples the close inspection of genetic chemistry condition in the context of these healing pathways BFSP 2-Pt, CSHP 2-Pt, DHRP 2-Pt, IMDATP 2-Pt, NHHRP 2-Pt.

TP           Toxin Pathway Level-A

TP causes the mind-body to survey itself and become more fully aware of the presence of toxic chemistries that poison the body's chemical machinery, its enzyme systems, genetic chemistries, and other systems. TP helps optimize detoxification processes.  Quantitative urinalysis of heavy metal excretion pre and post application of TP have shown several fold increases in the rate of elimination of heavy metals.

TP-E       Toxin Pathway Enhanced Symposium 2021

TP-E is an enhanced pathway that focuses on the cellular apparatus for recognizing toxins and the biotransformation to make toxins more hydrophilic and transportable to the organs and tissues of elimination. Symposium 2020 TP- Expanded

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Neurological - Group 4

Neurological - Group 4 pathways all deal with the organization and performance of the nervous system, each offering a unique perspective and opportunity to optimize neurological function.

ARP        Autonomic Regulation Pathway Level-C 

ARP-E     Autonomic Regulation Pathway-Enhanced Symposium 2021

Autonomic Regulation Pathway-Enhanced addresses the related issues of imbalances in Autonomic nervous system function and anchored emotion, the restriction of experienced emotional range and the mental and physical suffering and failure to heal. ARP-ASP Symposium 2017

CIP         Cell Intelligence Pathway Level B

The Cell Intelligence Pathway looks at the proposed TFS/TTS proposition from a “bottom-up” regulatory view, assessing and optimizing cell level intelligence, perceptions, and intracellular and intercellular signaling dialog, regulatory decisions and communications in the context of the TFS/TTS proposition.  All physiology is ultimately exercised at the cell level and this pathway is used to optimize cell participation in the proposed transformation.

CIAP        Cell Intelligent Adaptation Pathway Symposium 2021

Cell Intelligent Adaptation Pathway is used to evaluate and correct the critical cellular repair and maintenance functions of autophagy, apoptosis, necroptosis, innate immune response, endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondrial metabolic stress.

FNNP      Functional Neural Network Pathway Symposium 2020

Functional Neural Network Pathway (FNNP): Most of the important work of the CNS and ANSs is done by nerve cells bringing themselves into networked association with one another to dynamically form and reform regulatory networks of neurons, glia and BBB cells to meet the mind-body’s real time needs.  This pathway is used to assess and optimize this way in which the nervous systems of the body templates such processes for greatest neurological plasticity and regulatory efficiency.

JLP          Jet-Lag Pathway Symposium 2013 

JLP is used to resolve system distress and recalibrate the circadian rhythm and sleep cycle of persons who recently have or will travel by airplane through multiple time zones.

NBRP     Neurological Balance and Reorganization Pathway Level-B  

Nervous system regulation of body processes relies upon "physiological control templates", like little computer programs that regulate various routine body functions.  NBRP evaluates, corrects, and optimizes these and many other neurological functions to produce efficient healing and regeneration.

PCTP      Physiological Control Template Pathway Level-B 

 PCTP is used to optimize the structure and application of "physiological control templates" that the nervous system uses to regulate many routine functions. 

PTSD      Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Pathway Symposium 2020

 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Pathway (PTSD): PTSD is a pathway that focuses on the issue of failed synaptic memory maintenance which is at the heart of PTSD.  Regardless of the PTSD triggering circumstances, the nature of PTSD experience is that the mechanisms of memory maintenance fail to recognize when the conditions stimulus (harmless trigger) is no longer associated with the traumatic event (perceived threat).  PTSD Pathway informs correction of cellular memory and powerfully impacts PTSD experience.

SMP       Sensory-Motor Pathway Level-A

The "sensory nervous system" informs the mind-body of the internal and external conditions it is experiencing. The function of muscles and glands is directed by the "motor nervous system".  SMP is used to optimize and integrate nervous system perception and response in the context of the TFS/TTS.

SMP-E   Sensory-Motor Pathway Symposium 2020

Sensory-Motor Pathway - Expanded (SMP-E):  SMP-E is a pathway that addresses the sensory-motor (S-M) regulatory cycle of sensory perception, interpretation of body conditions, and determination and implementation of a motor response to adapt the body to those perceived conditions.  This assessment and correction is made at the whole body level in the traditional neurological interpretation of S-M function. The pathway also assesses the cellular level of S-M function, and the molecular level of S-M function.

SP           Sleep Pathway Symposium 2016 

Sleep is an essential state that occupies nearly 1/3 of our lives.  The Sleep Pathway assesses the many inter-related neurological and chemical signaling inputs to the sleep process, the reparative activities that are performed during sleep, and the movement between states of sleep and wakefulness to optimize the sleep experience.

SStRP    Stress Stimulus Response Pathway Level-B  

SStRP causes the mind-body to recognize and correct inefficiencies in its stress response mechanisms and helps the mind-body to identify and release post-traumatic stress behaviors which may be contributing to disease and suffering and limit the potential to heal. SStRP also helps the mind-body to identify and optimize its response to physical agents including things like geopathic stress, temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and any other such influence that may contribute to illness and suffering.

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Physical - Group 5

Physical - Group 5 pathways are the "tissue healing pathways" and each is designed to evaluate and optimize conditions for healing

BFSP     Body Fluid Systems Pathway 2-Pt Level-B  

BFSP 2Pt causes the mind-body to survey itself with regard to injury, disease, and degeneration involving any of the body's fluid production and distribution systems (blood, lymph, glands, digestive, etc.) and to optimize its innate healing response in these tissue systems for ideal composition of these fluids and to eliminate obstructions and accumulations disrupting flow and distribution. It deals with vascular, lymphatic, digestive, cellular, and all other body fluid systems.

BFOSOP Body Frame and Organ Structural Optimization Pathway Level-B 

BFOSOP is used to identify and correct stressful and illness producing patterns of tissue stress, malposition, and compromise of motion.

BJDHRP Bone-Joint-Disc Healing and Remodeling Pathway 2-Pt Level-B 

 BJDHRP causes the mind-body survey itself regarding injury, disease, and degeneration affecting bones, joints, and intervertebral discs and to optimize the body's innate potential to heal and remodel these tissues.

DHRP    Dental Health and Repair Pathway 2-Pt

DHRP 2-Pt 2-Pt causes the mind-body to survey itself with regard to injury, disease, and degeneration involving oral and dental tissues and to optimize its innate healing response.  It is also used to correct oral bacterial flora and saliva composition to favor remineralization and repair of teeth, bone, and gums.

IMDATP Injury, Malformation, Degeneration, Aging, Transplant Pathway 2-Pt Level-B  

IMDATP 2Pt is used to optimize mind-body awareness of its internal condition and efficient application of its innate healing potential. IMDATP has very broad application to diseases like aging, tumor, traumatic injuries, atrophy of organs and other structures, organ disease, degeneration, and transplant.  The common theme here is that disease is the accumulation over time of the failure to apply innate mind-body healing mechanisms. 

MDP      Metaplasia and Dysplasia Pathway Level-B 

MDP is used to create awareness and optimize the cellular and system response to benign and cancerous tumor activity.

NHRRP  Neurological Healing, Regeneration, and Remodeling Pathway 2-Pt  Level-B         

 NHRRP 2-Pt causes the mind-body survey itself regarding injury, disease, and degeneration affecting the nervous system and to optimize the body's innate potential to heal and remodel these tissues.  NHRRP has been used successfully in cases of Parkinson's disease and other degenerative diseases, recovery from strokes, or other neurological injury or maldevelopment.

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Immunological - Group 6

Immunological - Group 6 pathways are used to evaluate and optimize immune system structure and function with attention to the control of microbes and inflammatory or allergic processes.

AAIP      Allergy and Adverse Inflammation Pathway Level-A  

AAIP is used to survey the mind-body and to optimize awareness of and direct the correction of mind-body perceptions about food and environmental chemistries and/or  its own tissues and chemistries that misleads the mind-body to create allergy or autoimmune inflammatory behaviors.   This pathway does not diagnose and is not a substitute for medical laboratory tests.  Instead, it reveals errors in mind-body awareness of its internal conditions and environment, which is the only information the body has available to regulate its immune system functions.

AAIP-E   Allergy and Adverse Inflammation Pathway Enhanced Symposium 2021 

AAIP-E is an enhanced version of the AAIP pathway that addresses allergy and adverse inflammation toward body tissues and chemistries in the body in a deeper and more “process-oriented” approach that emphasizes the errors in cellular perceptions and signaling that produces misdirected immune responses. Symposium 2020 AAIP-Expanded

AANP    Autophagy, Apoptosis, and Necroptosis Pathway Symposium 2016

The process of eliminating burdensome cell structures and chemistries is autophagy – the recognition of such targets, encapsulating and digesting them in cytosol vacuoles, and repurposing the resulting component chemistries.  Apoptosis and Necroptosis are types of programmed death of cells burdensome to the system and the cell fragments of that process eventually become targets of autophagy by other cells.  Detoxification, elimination of cells that endanger the system, and regeneration of tissues and cells are dependent on these three cellular processes.  So, this pathway should be considered in any case involving infection, allergy, toxicity, or tissue remodeling – virtually any physical condition to be resolved.

BMPP   Biomagnetic Pairs Pathway Level-C  

BMPP is used to survey the mind-body for the perception of isolated areas where tissue conditions favor and protect pathogens, and to produce conditions that favor elimination of perceived infection. This pathway reveals mind-body perception in regard to infection. It does not diagnose. It is not a substitute for medical evaluation.

CDRP     Cell Danger Response Pathway Symposium 2017

The Cell Danger Response Pathway addresses errors in cell level metabolic regulation.  Specifically, it deals with the cell danger response, a well documented healing cycle triggered by perceived threat to the cell from viruses, toxins, and other metabolic stressors.  The problem that can occur and contribute to diseases from the autoimmune, to allergy, to cancer, and other degenerative diseases is that cells can become “stuck” in the middle of this healing cycle and fail to move through the anti-inflammation and reparative stage.  Cell Danger Response Pathway guides cells that are “stuck” in this way to successfully move through completion of the healing cycle.  In doing so, many chronic diseases resolve.

IATFP     Infectious Agent and Toxic Flora Pathway Level-A

 IATFP is used to survey the mind-body for the perception of pathogens or toxic microbial flora, and to induce an efficient immune system response. IATFP does not diagnose and is not a substitute for medical laboratory testing. Instead, it reveals errors in mind-body awareness of its internal conditions in regard to infection, which is the only information the body has available to regulate its immune system functions.       

IATFP-E Infectious Agent and Toxic Flora Pathway-Enhanced Symp 2021

Infectious Agent and Toxic Flora Pathway: IATFP-E is an enhanced version of the IATFP that addresses infection in a deeper and more “process-oriented” approach that emphasizes the errors in cellular perceptions and signaling that produces inefficient clearing of pathogens.  

ISOP      Immune System Optimization Pathway Level-B  

ISOP is used to evaluate the structure and efficiency of the immune system, including the perceived presence of families or clones of immune system cell lines that have been incorrectly programmed to produce allergy or autoimmune inflammation, or the absence of immune cell clones correctly programmed to target pathogens or toxins. ISOP does not diagnose and is not a substitute for medical laboratory testing. Instead, it reveals errors in mind-body awareness of its internal conditions and environment, which is the only information the body has available to regulate its immune system functions.

ISOP-E   Immune System Optimization Pathway Enhanced Symp 2021

ISOP-E is an enhanced version of the ISOP that addresses inefficient immune system organization and function in a deeper and more “process-oriented” approach that emphasizes the errors in cellular perceptions and signaling compromising immune system efficiency.

MBP-E   Microbiome Pathway Enhanced Symposium 2021

If probiotic supplements and good diet comprise the “hardware” of the microbiome, then the “software” of the microbiome is the Microbiome Pathway-Enhanced. This pathway evaluates and aids in the optimization microbiome populations and the diverse and critical functions of microbial flora in human development, metabolism, and defense. MBP Symposium 2020

MDP-E    Metaplasia-Dysplasia Pathway-Enhanced (MDP-E) Symposium 2021

Metaplasia-Dysplasia Pathway-Enhanced evaluates H/M-MB perception of the presence in the body metaplastic and dysplastic cells, the mechanisms of cell metabolic regulation, innate and acquired immunity, and autophagy to inform healing from these conditions.

VCP        Viral Cascade Pathway Symposium 2014

VCP is used to create perception of and optimize the cellular response to viral infection.  VCP may be appropriate in any sort of case of infection as bacterial and other pathogens are involved in similar chemical disruption of cellular immunity and metabolism.  Additionally, if we understand this pathway well we may also recognize the opportunity to apply it in cases of allergy and autoimmune cross-reactive inflammation from the standpoint of disruptive influences of inflammation on cell processes.  As always, MRT in the context of TFS statements to determine the value of VCP in any situation.

VCP-E     Viral Cascade Pathway Enhanced (VCP-E) Symposium 2021

The VCP-E is an enhanced version of the EVCP pathway designed to survey the mind-body’s cellular defenses to viral infection and to bring inefficiencies to light, and inform better cell awareness and successful response to infection and related inflammation. EVCP Symposium 2020

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NMT Pathways Listed Alphabetically

AACMP Ayurvedic, Acupuncture, and Chinese Medicine Pathway Level -C  

AAIP      Allergy and Adverse Inflammation Pathway Level-A

AAIP-E   Allergy and Adverse Inflammation Pathway Enhanced Symposium 2021 Previous training NMT Symposium 2020

AANP    Autophagy, Apoptosis, and Necroptosis Pathway Symposium 2016

ARP        Autonomic Regulation Pathway Level-C   

ARP-E     Autonomic Regulation Pathway-Enhanced Symposium 2021

ARP-ASP Autonomic Regulation and Affective States Pathways Updated. Symposium 2017

ASP        Affective States Pathway Level-A

ASTP      Adverse Seed Thought Pathway  Level-A

BFOSOPBody Frame and Organ Structural Optimization Pathway Level-B 

BFSP     Body Fluid Systems Pathway 2-Pt Level-B  

BJDHRP Bone-Joint-Disc Healing and Remodeling Pathway 2-Pt Level-B 

BMPP   Biomagnetic Pairs Pathway Level-C  

CDRP     Cell Danger Response Pathway Symposium 2017

CIP         Cell Intelligence Pathway Level B

CIAP        Cell Intelligent Adaptation Pathway Symposium 2021

CSHP     Chemistry and Signaling of Healing Pathway Level-B  

DHRP    Dental Health and Repair Pathway 2-Pt

EVCP     Enhanced Viral Cascade Pathway (EVCP) Symposium 2020

EDA       Energetic Dynamic Assessment

EDP       Energetics Dynamic Pathway Level- C

FNNP    Functional Neural Network Pathway Symposium 2020

GCOP    Genetic Chemistry Optimization Pathway Level-B

IATFP     Infectious Agent and Toxic Flora Pathway Level-A

IATFP-E Infectious Agent and Toxic Flora Pathway-Enhanced Symposium 2021

IMDATP Injury, Malformation, Degeneration, Aging, Transplant Pathway 2-Pt Level-B  

IMFP     Informational Morphic Field Pathway (IMFP) Level- C

ISOP      Immune System Optimization Pathway Level Level-B

ISOP-E   Immune System Optimization Pathway Enhanced Symposium 2021  

JLP         Jet-Lag Pathway Symposium 2013 

LP          Limitless Pathway Level-C      

MBWIP Mind-body Wholeness and Integration Pathway Level-B

MBP      Microbiome Pathway Symposium 2020

MBP-E   Microbiome Pathway Enhanced Symposium 2021

MDP      Metaplasia and Dysplasia Pathway Level-B

MDP-E    Metaplasia-Dysplasia Pathway-Enhanced (MDP-E) Symposium 2021

METP    Mind-Ego Transformation Pathway Level-C

NBRP     Neurological Balance and Reorganization Pathway Level-B  

NHRRP  Neurological Healing, Regeneration, and Remodeling Pathway 2-Pt  Level-B     

OHIP      Optimal Health Image L-Levels A.

PAETP    Pathophysiologically Anchored Emotional Tone Pathway Level-A

PCTP      Physiological Control Template Pathway Level-B

PEOP     Presence and Entanglement Optimization Pathway Level-B      

PSEP     Psychosomatic Energetics Pathway Level- C

PTSD    Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Pathway (PTSD) Symposium 2020

SMP       Sensory-Motor Pathway Level-A

SMP-E   Sensory-Motor Pathway Symposium 2020

SP           Sleep Pathway Symposium 2016 

SStRP    Stress Stimulus Response Pathway Level-B 

TP          Toxin Pathway Level-A

TP-E       Toxin Pathway Expanded Symposium 2020

TP-E       Toxin Pathway Enhanced Symposium 2021

TSKNP   Time-Space-Knowledge Navigation Pathway Level- C

VCP        Viral Cascade Pathway Symposium 2014

VCP-E     Viral Cascade Pathway Enhanced (VCP-E) Symposium 2021

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